Bell’s Palsy Restoration

Posted by on Dec 13, 2021 in Acupuncture | Comments Off on Bell’s Palsy Restoration

Acupuncture restores symmetry to patients with Bell’s palsy, a type of peripheral facial paralysis. Luoyang Dongfang Hospital researchers conducted a clinical trial comparing electroacupuncture monotherapy with a combined protocol of warm needle acupuncture plus electroacupuncture. The electroacupuncture monotherapy group had a 75.67% total effective rate, with 28 out of 37 patients obtaining significant clinical results. The combined protocol significantly outperformed the monotherapy approach to patient care. Combining electroacupuncture with warm needle acupuncture produced a 94.59% total effective rate (35 out of 37 patients had significant clinical results).

Bell's Palsy face

The total effective rate was based on all patients achieving either the effective tier of improvement or the relieved tier of improvement. The effective tier was comprised of the following requirements: symmetry restored on bilateral wrinkles of the forehead and bilateral nasolabial folds, normal movement of the eyelids, ability to raise the eyebrows, normal facial expressions. The relieved tier was comprised of the following: symmetry nearly restored on the bilateral wrinkles of the forehead and bilateral nasolabial folds, restrained movement of the eyelids, ability to raise the eyebrows, normal facial expressions. The ineffective tier was not included in the total effective rate and included the following: nasolabial folds not restored, mouth drooped, eyelids could not move properly.

The Luoyang Dongfang Hospital investigation took a relatively standard approach to patient care, involving the application of many local acupoints. Both the electroacupuncture monotherapy group and the combined treatment group (warm needle acupuncture plus electroacupuncture) patients received treatments on alternate days for a duration of 3 months.

All three subgroups received the same electroacupuncture procedure after deqi as the electroacupuncture monotherapy group. Next, the electroacupuncture device was removed before moxa was attached. Moxa was ignited and burned for an additional 20 minutes. The results indicate that the combined protocol significantly outperforms electroacupuncture monotherapy.

Cranial nerves

Patients met the basic standards of a Bell’s Palsy diagnosis in order to be admitted to the investigation. Symptoms presented by patients included deviation of the mouth and eyes, lagophthalmos (eyelids not closing completely), facial twitching, pain under the ear area or around the face. Patients also showed an inability to raise the eyebrows, wrinkle the forehead, or close the eyelids. Patients with pregnancy or severe physical and or mental disorders were not included in the research.

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Bell’s Palsy Restoration